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« Groan! | Main | Federal legislation needed? »

07 October 2005



I just can't figure this whole thing out. I have an unschooled acquaintance that I helped with some writing during his time homeschooling, and he helped my kids with computer stuff. The Navy, supposedly picky about homeschoolers, was extremely anxious to get him. His computer skills were in very high demand and he's now stationed in Hawaii and serving with a sub. His mom said she made a list of stuff he'd done during his high school years and that was that -- he was sooooo in. Maybe I should see if his mom would like to help HSLDA members get in the Navy, since they seem to need federal legislation to do it.

Hey, maybe THAT'S the point. My friend the homeschool mom successfully dealt with the military recruiters and provided them with the documentation they needed to see her son as a member of the service. Instead of using hierarchy and legislation, she helped her son meet his service goal as a "plain ol' mom."
Or maybe it was just that he had the skills they needed and could demonstrate them reliably.

This sort of thing really makes some people nervous, apparently.

And, by the way, like my three sons, our friend would not have been eligible to serve under the description of a homeschool program that HSLDA proposes in the legislation.

It's quite a mystery to me why imposing these limitations on homeschoolers could be seen as a positive step for homeschoolers.

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